Friday 29 July 2011

Cipriano de Rore - "Io canterei d'amor si novamente"

Song composed by Cipriano de Rore using text of Petrarca, lute part as published by Pierre Phalèse in "Luculentum Theatrum Musicum", Leuven 1568


"Io cantarei d'amor si novamente
ch'al duro fianco il di mille sospiri
trarrei per forza, e mille alti desiri
raccenderei nella gelata mente;

e'l bel viso vedrei cangiar sovente,
e bagnar gli occhi, e piu pietosi giri
far, como suol chi degli altrui martiri
e del suo error quando non val si pente"

Version for karaoke:


"Ways apt and new to sing of love I'd find,
Forcing from her hard heart full many a sigh,
And re-enkindle in her frozen mind
Desires a thousand, passionate and high;
O'er her fair face would see each swift change pass,
See her fond eyes at length where pity reigns,
As one who sorrows when too late, alas!
For his own error and another's pains."

(Translated by Macgregor, found at The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch)


"Auf so neuer Weise wollte ich von Liebe singen,
dass der harten Seite tausend Seufzer
entrissen, und tausend hohe Verlangen
im gefrorenen Geist entzündet werden.

Und am schönen Gesicht sähe ich ständige Verwandlung,
und wie sich die verweinten Augen nun aus Erbarmung drehn,
so wie es dem geschieht, der zu spät fremdes Leiden
und eigene Fehler bereut."


"Al amor querría cantar de nueva manera
que al duro costado mil suspiros
arrancase y mil altos deseos
encendiera en el pensamiento helado.

Y de continuo vería mudarse el bello rostro
y humedecerse los ojos y volver la vista transidos,
como suele quien de penalidades ajenas
y del propio error se arrepiente ya tarde."